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  • A team representative or captain (non-combatant would be preferred, but this is not a requirement if there are not enough players)

    • A rapier fighter

    • An armoured combat fighter

    • A non-combatant willing to play games

    • You can have more than one type of player so that people aren’t worn out, but the minimum is 3 players, with one nominated as the captain


  • Each type of player will fight/game for a location, a tool, or a person

    • For example:

      • The rapier fighter will fight another rapier fighter from an opposing team for a person of interest

      • The armoured combat fighter will fight another from an opposing team for a weapon

      • The gambler/gamer will play a sequence of a game (needs to claim the opponent’s piece in checkers, for instance) to claim a location card

    • Once all the pieces are collected, the captain can announce who they think the culprit is, where it was done, and with what

    • The items are compared to what’s in an enclosed envelope held by the Mistress of Misrule

      • If the guess is correct, that team wins

      • If the guess is incorrect, that team is eliminated

      • The game will keep going until either a team wins or all teams are eliminated


  • Armoured Combatant - Weapon

    • Best two out of three

    • Single combatant

  • Rapier - Person of Interest

    • Best two out of three

    • Single Combatant

  • Gamer - Location

    • Rules based on game

      • Maglio - a ball needs to be knocked to a certain spot. The player who knocks the ball to a spot nearest to the “goal" is declared the winner

      • Basetta - in which the dealer lays down three cards. Players then have to draw a card from the pack with the aim of matching any of the exposed cards

      • Ciapanò - Deal cards counterclockwise, 13 cards for two players. There are no trumps. The player to dealer's right leads first. Any card may be led, and the other players must play a card of the suit led if they have one. A player with no card of the suit led may play anything. The highest card of the suit led wins the trick

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